The Avaloq Agent

The Avaloq Agent implements an interface between Automic Automation and an Avaloq system through the job_intf# package, an official interface to the Avaloq internal scheduler. With the Avaloq Agent, Automic Automation can orchestrate both internal and external Avaloq jobs.

For the solution to work, you will need to create one or more:

  • Agents
  • Connections
  • Jobs

The Avaloq Agent includes special pages for these three objects (Agent, Connection, Jobs). The topics in this guide describe how to use these pages, not how to use Automic Automation. For this reason, topics on creating Connection objects, Agents, Jobs, etc. describe the Rapid Automation pages, but not how to create objects.

You can find the Automic Automation documentation at Automic Automation documentation.

Preparing Your System

After installing and configuring the Avaloq Agent, administrators must create and execute certain jobs that prepare the database and reset dependencies. Otherwise, the Automation Engine cannot take over scheduling operations or these operations can create conflicts with the Avaloq internal scheduler. For more information, see Preparatory Jobs.

See also